Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2/4/15 Vaca Sarada¡

Rascal has been crouched in a warehouse in Phoenix, AR for a week, lonely and bored, poised to roar out to the unknown. I have been tuned to the enticement of a new adventure since she has left the comfort of our garage. Every day that I pull in, I see the blank space in which she usually sits and I long to be with her, get my leg over and ride south of the border. 

And tomorrow we reunite. The agony of flights, connections and conventional travel will hopefully bring us to her and then, together we can journey into an unknown. Another country, another language, another culture, another experience. Mexico calls us and we will ride the Baja with the mountain lions and banditos and take you with us! Please come along.

Vaca Sarada ! Bribón is going to México¡

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