Thursday, March 26, 2015

2/28/15 Tumbleweeded to Texas

Lunch in New Mexico ... Dinner in Texas!

We ran out of Arizona being chased by ominous rain clouds. The big talk at breakfast was that Phoenix was going to get hammered with rain, apparently an earth shattering report. Globe was next on the list so we high-tailed it south.

Double layered, we rode out in 40 degree temperature range. With the storm creeping up our backs, we kept our eyes on a lonely patch of blue in the distance that teased us for half a day. Blown about by ferocious wind gusts on route 70 and then tractor trailers on 10, we finally found some respite. We ate, sheltered by a faux adobe, hunkered down against the wind that found its way into the shelter and threatened to blow lunch!

Reluctant to get back into the wind, we forced ourselves to saddle up. And then all the clouds disappeared, the wind died down and the temperature rose 20 degrees. Cruising in the sun without the wind factor goaded us into Texas where we planted our feet in El Paso for the night. 

Twin Peaks, a western Hooters, entertained us for dinner with shot-skis and "splendid views". Naïveté consumed me as I thought we were really going to see mountains in Texas.  Maybe tomorrow.

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